>Always a big fan of the Iliad,  even BEFORE it was a movie with 
>Brad Pitt, I can't recall the names of  1783 Trojan characters in the Iliad!

Hola Sterling, for one thing,  they cheat, because the L4 are the Greeks and 
the L5 are the Trojans, with a few  glaring "errors" (Hektor is L4).  So they 
should really be called the  Greco-Ilium asteroids!

Here;s where they seem to be at, lots of names and  many more are only 
numbers and even more are just coded for year for the time  being (looks like 
more are already there = 1785  now):

The  last one listed there with a name was (85030) Admetos.  But it was  
discovered in 1960.

>From the Iliad, a homage to all the fleets great and  small and lots of 
people...In the Book of Ships Fleets (Book II) Admetos is  mentioned as king 
father of a princely commander of a small fleet of 11  ships from Pherai (who 
fought with the Greeks) (L4, checks ok):
"And of them  that dwelt in Pherai by the Boibeian mere, in Boibe and 
Glaphyre and stablished  Iolkos, of them, even eleven ships, Admetos' dear son 
leader, Eumelos whom  Alkestis, fair among women, bare to Admetos, she that was 
most beauteous to look  upon of the daughters of Pelias."
This was really an epic war  ... with  literally hundreds of names - maybe 
enough for the moment with a little liberal  research (i.e., you know one ally, 
of the dozens, just do a little research and  more names mentioned or not in 
the Illiad will be recorded somewhere...Achilles  alone commanded 50 ships, and 
he was just one of about 50 groups...each with a  fierce pride)

Here's one from 1998:  (21602) Ialmenus, son of mighty  Ares' galavanting who 
layed with the stately maiden Astyoche, again from the  Book II of Ships:

"And they that dwelt in Aspledon and Orchomenos of the  Minyai were led of 
Askalaphos and Ialmenus, sons of Ares, whom Astyoche  conceived of the mighty 
god in the palace of Aktor son of Azeus, having entered  her upper chamber, a 
stately maiden; for mighty Ares lay with her privily. And  with them sailed 
thirty hollow ships."

But as you can see from the list,  there can't be more than about 200 named 
so far...

Saludos,  Doug

Sterling W. wrote:

Always a big fan of the Iliad, even BEFORE  it was a movie with Brad Pitt, I
can't recall the names of 1783 Trojan  characters in the Iliad!

In fact, I count only: Hector, Priam,  Hecuba, Paris (also known as
“Alexander”), Helen (of course, she's a Trojan  now...), Aeneas, Andromache,
Astyanax, Polydamas, Glaucus, Agenor, Dolon,  Pandarus, Antenor, Sarpedon,
Chryseis, Briseis, and Chryses.  Not a cast  of thousands...

Where do folks come up another 1765  Trojan names?  Third soldier from the
left in the last row in the Battle  in Book Ten?  Just make'em up? Greekify 
children's names?   Just leave it to some gentlemen in Paris at IAU to do it?
Give'em  numbers?  Buy one of those "5000 Names for Your Child" books, 
written  in
Greek?  What?!  

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