I want to have Steve's baby.

----- Original Message ----- From: "Michael L Blood" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "drtanuki" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; "Steve Arnold, Chicago!!!" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; "Meteorite List" <meteorite-list@meteoritecentral.com>
Sent: Sunday, June 26, 2005 3:51 PM
Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] interesting Steve Arnold

Dear Dirk and all other Steve Bashers,
       I gotta tell you guys I wouldn't miss a Chicago Steve post for
all the tea in China. It nearly always brings a hearty chuckle. But
it there is one thing more enjoyable, it is the irony of the Steve
Bashers.... I wouldn't miss one of those posts for the world, either.
You guys crack me up. I really don't know which is best.
       I have been on this list since day one and one of the most
interesting of the phenomena is what I think of as the chicken
pecking behavior that occurs over and over. Frequently, a flock
of chickens will pick out what is perceived as the weakest chicken
(or maybe just oddest) and the whole damned flock (or, at least the
majority) will start picking at it. Of course, this frequently results
in eventual death. However, that does not end it.... they will eventually
find another chicken to pick on, and the cycle repeats itself over
and over.
       It is also similar to a shark feeding frenzy with blood in the
water. I have a theory that the anonymity or distance, or a wide
variety of factors involved in internet group communication somehow
results in the triggering of the WEB equivalent of "Road Rage."
       It reminds me of a few weeks ago when Steve posted 4 or 5
(or 8 or 10?) ridiculous posts droning on and on about the same
meteorite sale he was conducting and it resulted in 72 attack
posts. It had the effect on me of listening to my second favorite
comedian, Louis Black (Robin Williams is, of course, the most
brilliant comedian ever, but Black will nearly cause me to
laugh myself nigh onto death - literally). Every time I would read
one of Steve's posts I couldn't figure out if it was more hysterical
because of its absurdity or because of my anticipation of the
approaching landslide of whining, attacking, mewling protests
that would surely be coming as a result.
       Dirk, I have met and respect you, as I have several Steve
Bashers, but REALLY DUDES, you gotta get a grip!  .... or not.
Regardless, y'all might be interested to know there are dozens
of us out here who really do think the attack pack is as funny
as Steve when he gets on a roll.
       Oh, one other thought here: Steve has, on a few occasions,
offered to "take on" various individuals "at the next Tucson Show."
Maybe it would be interesting to set up a ring, have some gloves
and Steve could go one round with all the more vociferous critics.
Naw..........that would be TOO hysterical.
       Best wishes, Michael

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