After reading that some of you were having problems opening #89 as a pdf file, I tried it on two of my computers and it opened fine in both. My desktop is an older Dell 8100 running Windows ME, IE 6.0.2 and Adobe Reader 6.0. My laptop is running on XP Home with Adobe Reader ver. 5.0 and IE 6.0.2.

I did, however, get a pop-up message when using the laptop (Adobe Reader 5.0) that if I had a problem with some of the file not displaying properly that I should download and install the newest version of Adobe Reader.

Several month ago, I was having problems getting the Met. Bul #89 to open when using my desktop using an older version of Adobe Reader. The problem disappeared when I upgraded the program.


At 02:50 PM 6/26/2005, David Weir wrote:
Hi all,

I guess I'm not alone. The new MetBull doesn't open for me either, although it did the first day it was presented and luckily I copied it to my harddrive. All other pdf files work fine so it's not my acrobat reader (I've even reinstalled that to no avail) The older MetBull #85 pdf file opens fine, but not any that are more recent than that. Hopefully they release #89 in original or html format as well, but there doesn't seem to be much consistency to their formats in years past. At least I'll get a hard copy this summer.

Let us know if the answer is forthcoming.


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