In 1957 I witnessed a fireball come down from the very start(I was looking in 
the right place) to it's finish.  In fact it came so close I thaught it might 
hit me, but it slightly arked up and flew over head at about 50 feet between me 
and a telephone poll, droping multi colored teardrops behind it.  It skimed the 
tree tops two blocks away and landed.  It was the most AWSUM thing I have ever 
seen, at that time.  Well some years later I searched the area and found what 
looked like a cinder rock.  It was all burned and even had a yellow-green crust 
in spots.  It was not magnetic but was quite heavy.  So I kepted it all of 
these years thinking it was not a meteorite.  
     Well today I cut it open to find bright metal, looks like nickel, and a 
few white clats (moon type?) 
     So maybe it could me a meteorite.  I also thought impactasite, but from 
whare?  It has mostly a gray color and sections are of a olive drab green color 
and look quite glassy.  And in the holes there seems to been a green glassy 
shine.  If anyone has any idea as to what it sounds like please let me know 
your thoughts.  If anyone is interested enough I would be happy to send you a 
few pictures.  Thanks Jim    
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