i am so glad to hear this.
----- Original Message ----- From: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: <meteorite-list@meteoritecentral.com>
Sent: Wednesday, July 13, 2005 6:41 PM
Subject: [meteorite-list] Steve Arnold #1 full of #2???

Hey list,

I was going to wait a little longer and let that last post of mine "soak in" a little more before following up, but I am going to be out of the house for much of this evening, and I was a little concerned it might start to smell too bad unless I cleaned it up first.

Sometimes I forget that this is a "serious scientific list," and that some people here might not understand or appreciate strange "Arkansas humor" (also now known as "#1 and #2 humor"). So...

No, #2 did NOT really do #1 on the floor at our party.

While some have accused me, #1, of being full of #2, I am confident that this last post proves them right.

I wrote all that last post to make my original point: if it were 75% factually correct, which I am sure (even with the typos) it was more than 75% correct, it still paints a very inaccurate picture of what really happened that night at our party. Such is the case with all too many of the meteorite stories we all see out there in the professional media, because you do expect the media to be right nearly all of the time, and at worst just a little biased.

Then their so called "corrections" get buried in small print on page #29D (if a meteorite article was ever "corrected" at all).

At least here on the list our follow up, comments and corrections get the same exposure as the original mistakes.

Anyway, I appreciate Mr. Arnold #2 of Chicago being a good sport about this once again, and for you all bearing with a topic that did seem to go off topic, if not at least off colored.

You gotta love this place!  Long live the meteorite list.

Steve Arnold
The First
(I am not sure I like that term "#1" anymore, it kind of is leaving a strange taste in my mouth all of a sudden...)

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