Hello Everyone,

I was wondering if anyone has an opinion with a problem I have with a
meteorite dealer.  I am returning a slice of Ghubara for a refund.  I feel
it was not described adequately.  The seller, who is in Finland, wants my
bank account number to directly deposit refund funds.  My policy is to never
give out my bank account number.  I have asked for a refund in Internation
Money Order, US check, or US cash.  Alternatively, this seller uses a
service in Minnesota called Western Bid, which is where I sent my check when
I paid for the slice and I suggested that I receive a reinbursement check
from them.

I am 99.9% sure that I will not give out my bank account number but I am
seeking opinions from list members on this.  Thanks very much.  Has anyone
come across this situation before?

Walter Branch

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