If you want to see the Kalahari 008/9 location from Google Earth, download that program from http://kh.google.com/download/earth/index.html, then take the snippet of code below, paste it into a text file, save it as "kalahari.kml", and then launch the file. There must be a better way to send this info, but I wanted to avoid an attachment.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<kml xmlns="http://earth.google.com/kml/2.0";>
  <name>Kalahari 009</name>


At 09:30 PM 8/9/2005, Adam Hupe wrote:
Dear List,

I was wondering if anybody knows the FeO/MnO rations for the two Kalahari
Lunaites.  Has anybody ever seen a picture of these two stones?  Do they
have crust?  Nothing seems to add up.  A Moon to Earth transit time of only
a couple of hundred years?  A 300 plus million year old terrestrial aged
rock rated W1?  Two completely different classifications for two rocks found
50 meters apart?

Just Curious,

Adam Hupe
The Hupe Collection
Team LunarRock
IMCA 2185

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