Hello Ron and List,

  Ron had written:
"Because 87 Sylvia was named after Rhea Sylvia, the
mythical mother of the founders of Rome, Marchis
proposed naming the twin moons after those founders:
Romulus and Remus. The International Astronomical
Union (IAU) approved the names, to be announced in its
Aug. 11 circular."

  Unless I've missed something here, this seems like
an AMAZING coincidence! The very first asteroid found
to have TWO satellites just happened to be named after
the mother of TWINS... BEFORE the triplet-grouping was
known???? Why, the odds of that must be....dare I say
it? ..... astronomical!  ;-)

  And Ron, please let me take this time to give you a
much belated THANK YOU for all the informative posts
you make for us here on the list!  

  Robert Woolard  

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