In a message dated 9/2/2005 10:57:53 P.M. Mountain Standard Time,  
Michael Farmer posted:

> Geoff, is the  raffle going to be drawn live in Denver?

Mike, that is a VERY interesting  idea.

We could encourage you wonderful meteorite people to buy raffle  tickets 
over the next few days, so we can send the money to the Red Cross  now, 
and then have the actual drawing live at the Denver show -- maybe at  
the COMETS party on Saturday night? That would be a pretty exciting  
event. I'm sure we could sell extra tickets during the show  too.

What's the consensus on that folks?

I'm for it. Good thinking  Mike.

Geoff N.

I agree, that  would be great.
And you could ask all the donors to mail the pieces directly  to me, I'll 
store them until the Show, and we could display them on the evening  on the 
Auction. Maybe we can even think of a place in the Holiday Inn  (Blaine's??)

And one more thing.
John Gwilliam, who is taking a vacation from the List, asked me to forward  
"I will donate the remaining (main) mass of my Devil Peak 
meteorite for  the relief effort.  The original weight was 34.7 grams but it 
is now  down to 9.4 grams and this is the last of it.  Just let me know 
where  to send pictures to what specifications."

Thanks again.

Anne M. Black
President,  I.M.C.A. Inc.
Meteorite-list mailing list

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