Hi Sterling,

Thanks for this information, I find it interesting and useful for my
own studies. However, I do not expect it to be the "fossil" story
original mentioned by Göram. Not because I know much about sedimentary
meteorite falls, but because I know a thing or two about alleged
fossil-bearing spacerocks from the 19th century press. It would
surprise me if Swedish newspapers didn't publish a report about a
meteorite that remained hot for an impossibly long time and contained
organic fossils, simply because that was the fashion at the time.

Best wishes,


On 9/7/05, Sterling K. Webb <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi,
>    You're probably referring to:
>    Ostergotland, Sweden, April 11, 1925
> "A meteor was observed, leaving a trail
> of smoke. Stones are said to have
> fallen, and fragments of a white, porous
> limestone were picked up, differing from
> the local rocks. The possibly meteoritic
> nature of this material has been the subject
> of considerable discussion, N. Zenzen
> (1942, 1943); A. Hadding (1943); F.C. Cross
> (1947). Pseudometeorite, F.E. Wickman
> & A. Uddenberg-Anderson (1982)."
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