Sterling wrote:

The time zone for Yemen is UTC+3 hours: 
The time reported is 11h 44m UTC.

Martin wrote:

According to A to Z, there was a fall named Yafa
that fell in Yemen on July 15, 2000 at 1444 hours. 

Martin also wrote:

Hey Mike, Bill, Anne, anyone: is the time in A to Z local or UT? 

Hello All,

According to the entry for Yafa in the Met.Bull. 86, MAPS 37-7, July 2002,
the date of fall is 14:45 GMT. This would correspond to 16:45 hrs for Yafa
(Date: July 15).

11:36 GMT for Magadan would correspond to 22:36 hrs there (Date: July 16).
So the time difference would be 29 hours + 51 minutes ... if I didn't blunder 

Best wishes,


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