Hi Jeff and List,

Jeff, thanks very much for making these movies available for list (and non list) members. Your video archives and Mark's text archives complement each other very nicely.

I witnessed my first fireball a few days ago, on 12/22/05. I left work early that day because I was sick. I was driving home about 4:00 p.m. It was very sunny with only a few clouds. I happend to be approaching a bridge over a river and about a mile of marshland and I saw it traveling from roughly east to west, at a very steep angle. It was breaking up and disentegrating and looked a lot like the peekskill videos on Jeff's site. This was in broad daylight! It was amazing. After years of night-time astronomical observations, during which I have seen many sporadic meteorites, this was amazing. The illusion of closeness was very real. It seemed as though I could have driven over the bridge and into the marsh (with subsequent explanations to my wife) and there a meteorite would be - right in the middle of the marsh!

I will never forget it.  I hope to see one again.

-Walter Branch

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