to quote..
"250,000 tons of water sounds like a lot, but to put it into perspective it
would fill a:
cube  200.08 feet on a side
football field including endzones to a height of 138.9 feet
official soccer field max size 360x240 feet to a height of  92.6 feet
cylinder radius 200 feet would have a height of 63.7 feet
cylinder radius 300 feet would have a height of just 8.6 feet
cone radius 300 feet would have a height of 85 feet"
Yep, Eric has a point - not a lot in itself, but this was emitted from a
collision with a 400lb lump of metal and as I understand it didn't do a lot
of damage or orbital changes to  this comet - but I must say, I love Eric's
creativity in helping me visualize how much water that actually is!
..It'd make a small lake or a large pond!!!

Can anyone extrapolate how much water the entire comet would hold?

Nice one, Eric!  Good calculations... If I'd been more mindful I'l have
bothered to do a few sums, but there you go....!

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