Luke - I use that phrase every time I hit my thumb with a hammer.  'Let he who 
is guilty 
of sin...'

Gary Foote

On 24 Apr 2006 at 16:33, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> As you all may know i am new to this group and although i am enjoying much of 
> the 
> discussion within it i am offended and appalled that i have attacked on my 
> use of the
> word's "god damn" in context with my frustration over finding meteor news 
> sites. it was
> used in a comic pretext to make fun of my frustration and i received and had 
> an email
> conversation with one person who actually used my age as some sort of scape 
> goat for my
> behavior. Whether people hold religious views or not they should not attack 
> people for
> quite obvious non religious attacks or try to 'bully' as I'm tempted to put 
> it. I'm
> basically making this post because after apologising i was nitpicked again. I 
> guess I'm
> posting this here instead of as a personal email to the person because I'd 
> like support in
> what i say next "this is a scientific list (i hope) where religious views 
> should not be
> held to account or indeed attacked over unless the protagonist has blatantly 
> been anti
> social in this manner. My point is people should not bring religious views 
> into science
> especially over use of words which i have seen used several times already in 
> the listing. 
> Thanks for taking the time to read this
> Kind Regards
> Luke Hill

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