Adam Hupe wrote:
First of all, thank you for finally contacting the scientists and reporting
your findings.

Wrong, Ted called me. The issue of 3133 and 1839 being paired or not actually didn't even come up in our conversation since there was so much else of interest to discuss. I didn't sleep all night thinking of the exciting things we discussed, but I guess I'm a bit obsessed with this subject. It was in a separate e-mail in which I answered his query about the wording error on his website, something you posted you had done some time ago. Obviously this wording was a leftover from an earlier time when a pairing was suspected.

In a prior post I stated that I thought the probabilities would be
vanishingly small (although not zero) to find two unpaired, CV
metachondrites, with overlapping mineralogy and chemistry, at the same
proximity and time.

My  response is:

Nobody knows what proximity they were found and they were classified at
different times. They came for two different sources, we do not purchase
material from Aziz. Who says both are related to the CV parent body? COs
plot slightly different.

The proximity I was referring to was the Moroccan/Algerian desert, and the time is the same short period that you have been involved in meteorites. I have seen the plot on the CV mixing line for both meteorites and they are darn close. In fact, certain select isotope runs virtually overlap. However, I would welcome the first CO metachondrite to my collection!

Now I would like to take this opportunity to acknowledge my gratitude and
friendship to Aziz Habibi for gifting me almost a gram of  NWA011/2400
(that's 1000 x what I have!), which will now become the official
representative specimen of this probably extinct asteroid on my website.
Many thanks Aziz!

My response is:

How could it be official when it has not been studied and no nomenclature
has been given to this piece?  This is the same kind of proclamation that
causes problems and lengthy debates.

The "official" part was obviously meant to refer to my website only, that is clear in my statement, and does not infer any pedigree from NomCom or anyone else. I have no idea where Aziz got this gift from; perhaps he acquired it from Ron Farrell in care of his partner Terry Boswell. Perhaps it is a piece of the original rock that he might have acquired from the Russians or Japanese. Perhaps a new pairing yet to be officially confirmed. I am not so rude as to question his generosity like you seem to want me to do. If you don't like which photos I use on my website to represent a particular meteorite, then may I invite you to avoid any confusion in your mind and not visit in the future.

Feeling a little vindicated after being called a liar,

You are special Adam, don't let anyone affect your self esteem by calling you bad names. Just keep saying to yourself - sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me.

Till later,
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