Hi Mike,

Try this page I made some time ago:


This topic has been discussed on the list before and there are a number of
theories on how they may have occured. Personally, I believe it happened
during mid-late stage atmospheric entry with the larger detonating pieces.
It's odd that about 90% of the SA impact pits I've seen are on the trailing
side of oriented individuals. I don't see how it would be possible to have
micro-meteoroid impact pits if 90%+ of the original mass is lost through

I contacted someone who was into ballistic science once to see if they were
able to determine what sort of masses and velocities would be required to
produce these features but they never got around to it. Maybe someone on
this list is able to do it or knows someone who can?



----- Original Message -----
From: Mike Bandli
To: Meteorite-list@meteoritecentral.com
Sent: Sunday, June 18, 2006 1:35 PM
Subject: [meteorite-list] Re: Wanted Meteorites with Craters

I have received several replies from people who misunderstood my original
post and wanted to clarify what I was looking for. By stating 'craters'
several people thought I simply meant regmaglypts or thumbprints - this is
not what I meant.

I am looking for meteorites with actual micrometeoroid impact craters/pits.
These are meteorites that while re-entering or in space had collisions with
micrometeoroids and exhibit an actual impact crater with a splash rim. There
is a great example on Geoff Notkins page here:




If you don't have any for sale I would still love to get some photos of
examples of micrometeoroid craters on meteorites.

Mike Bandli

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