Comment to all:
        I was very sad to see the original post regarding this private
issue. As is almost always the case, it would also appear there is more
than one side to the story, as Bob indicates below.
        This is an example of why private issues should not be brought
up on the list and why people should be very hesitant about "taking
sides" when they are. If the accusations have merit, they should have
gone directly to the board of the IMCA, and I encourage both parties
to pursue that action now.
        While it appears there may be significant other issues in this case,
it is none of my business - nor anyone else's on the list, other than board
members of the IMCA, if this issue is presented to them.
        I have had multiple interactions with both parties involved and
found each of them to be, in every instance, honest, open and above
board. Whatever there differences are - they are between the two of them
and I hope they are able to resolve them. In any event, I hope we are not
exposed to the issue further on this list. If it does go before the board of
the IMCA, then, perhaps there will be action taken of which we will be
made aware. As I said, however, even then, I would hope rather
for an amicable resolution being reached leaving all parties satisfied,
but in any event, off the list.
        Best wishes, Michael

on 6/26/06 10:01 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> McCartney, 
> Thanks for bringing my personal life to a public forum.
> I will be happy to see you in court. Meanwhile please return the Martian and
> the Diogenite. 
> For those of you who have dealt with me with absolutely no problem I
> appologize for this being brought to the list.
> I will continue to offer the best quality authentic material that i can. Many
> of you have appreciated what I have had to offer so far.
> Bill, pull your head out of where the sun doesnt shine. You have no business
> questioning thr authenticity of any meteorites. Some of the top meteorite
> dealers in the world knew how successful I was in Park Forest. So, please back
> up your conjecture with some facts please.
> Thanks
> Bob Evans ( Not the Restaurant owner )
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