Hi Sterling, you really don't have to disagree with me because you have
edited an old message of mine to the point of completely changing its
meaning - with a new meaning I disagree with as well..

Here's what I said: "The IAU Committee has utterly failed by not including a
member of the class and stature of Saul Kripke.  Historians and
Astronomers...but how about including someone with real experience and
credentials in aprioricity who has danced with the likes of Kant (and
usually held his own).  I trust they will remedy this, as good scientists
not concerned about who shares their turf..."

Here's what you say I said:
>     Mexico Doug said:
> > The IAU Committee has utterly failed
> > by not including... Historians...
> > but how about including someone
> > with real experience and credentials

I have no doubt that Owen Gingerich isn't the great historian you researched
him to be and don't wish you to cut and paste my words erroneously to think
I would have a different conclusion.  However, you have edited my post to
appear that I don't recognize the quality of the historians on the
"Committee".  Read it.  I am recognizing the committee has good astronomers
and historians!!!

A more valid question is why is this committee needed, not taking for
granted that it is a needed committee.  And if you Google Saul Kripke you
will find his forte isn't really history at all, but rather he is the
closest living example we have today of a Nobel laureate
Philosopher-linguist whose specialty is this tyope of issue, and when words
and concepts are arbitrary and when they are a priori - and when change is
in order and when not, I would hastily suppose as well.

Best wishes, Doug

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