
   This beautiful little green comet has just made its
fourth appearance in the Astronomy Picture of the Day:

If you miss catching the photo today, it will still be in the APOD archives under today's date. The three previous APOD images were all in the past thirty days, on October 4th, 19th, and 28th.

The comet was discovered independently by List member Rob Matson and Michael Mattiazzo (of Austrailia) on Solar Wind ANisotropy images, which is why it isn't called Comet Matson-Mattiazzo, which would have been a euphonious name.

You can catch the now-fading comet with biggish binoculars or a small telescope. It's in the middle of the constellation Hercules right now. A chart of its positions
by date can be found at:

   The other thing you need is a good view of the sky.
(I've had nine straight days of overcast and cloud cover.)

Sterling K. Webb

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