Hi Dave,And List....Thanks for your response.I've a couple of pieces of something that I picked up on the bank of a creek in Tenn,that resembles K/T material,(I've some I purchased on ebay..from Canada)...this Material looks just like it..even under magnification. but it's water rounded..one would think K/T material is to friable to be water rounded?  Kevin.

From: Dave Freeman mjwy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: kevin decker <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] What else do you collect?
Date: Sat, 02 Dec 2006 20:51:14 -0700

I haven't see any K/T material that is water rounded but most all of our K/T from SW Wyoming has been erroded away so it is possible to find it that way, although I suspect more rare than a zillion to one even.
Dave F.

kevin decker wrote:
Hello,I collect Fossils,Mets,And weird rocks...the weirder the better..about
kamacite ooze..Does it sorta look biological?..like a fungus?..I've a
unclassified?..Iron I purchased on ebay..go ahead and laugh..but I buy the
unkowns on ebay..ie.weird strange somethings that people have found..also in my
collection..are the ones i've found.
but this "iron" had something weird on it..it looked sorta like the stuff on a
small piece of dronino..i got from Mirko..another question?..has anybody run
into..or seen a water rounded chunk of K/T material?...Kevin Decker.

    From:  "Gary K. Foote" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
    Reply-To:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
    To:  meteorite-list@meteoritecentral.com
    Subject:  [meteorite-list] What else do you collect?
    Date:  Wed, 29 Nov 2006 19:11:13 -0500
     >As a neophyte collector of meteorites I have amassed about $1K in
    specimens, all of which
     >I cherish dearly.  I am learning about preservation as some of my
    specimens are beginning
     >to show signs of scaling, kamacite ooze and other such degradations.
     >Interestingly enough, along the way I've also become interested in
    terrestrial rocks,
     >fossils, impactites and the like.  I was just wondering;
     >What else does everyone collect?
     >Meteorite-list mailing list

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