In a message dated 12/21/2006 10:21:36 P.M. Mountain Standard Time,  

WOW,  Anne, thanks for sharing the pictures.
I literally have never seen so much  snow.
When I was in grad school in Athens, Georgia around 1986 or 1987 we  had a 
"snowstorm" which dumped around three inches on the town.  The  whole town 
was paralyzed.  Most roads were impassable, cars were  stuck at the bottom of 
hills, news reports were filled with panicked  residents who were "snowed in" 
and worried about getting food,  etc.

I think most of it melted the next day.  Maybe two  days.

I guess Einstein was right.  Everything is relative.
Glad  to hear you are safe.  Stay warm.

-Walter  Branch

It is melting now, we had a heat wave today, almost 40. But we might get a  
bit more tomorrow and again Monday. Yes, a white Christmas!  :-(
Contrary to popular belief, we don't get that much snow all that often. The  
last time was March 2003 when we got 31 inches in Denver. Usually we get short 
 waves of snow, up to about 5-6 inches in a few hours and it is all gone 2 
days  later when the temperature is back up to 45-50. This is rather 
exceptional. The  city is digging out, the Airport is partially re-open and the 
did make  his round today. 
On the funny side, I did see a guy skiing down the street yesterday, and I  
also saw one on a bicycle!!
Have a great Green Christmas!

Anne M.  Black
_www.IMPACTIKA.com_ ( 
President,  I.M.C.A. Inc.
_www.IMCA.cc_ ( 

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