Ah, I see you've never dealt with a rabid conspiracy theorist <g>. (BTW, 
I'm not putting Dirk in that category because of his comment.)  These 
guys are fully capable of believing that not only could NORAD completely 
fabricate any elements, but that all the amateur satellite watchers have 
been subverted as well, or that their numbers are changed by the Global 
Internet Control Computer at NSA. Of course, I've been subverted, too. 
You should see some of the email I get after a big fireball, when I 
publicly offer such a prosaic explanation as a random collision with a 
bit of space debris. If I wasn't under Mind Control, I'd be telling 
everyone the Truth, that Zetans are preparing to bombard the Earth with 
missiles prior to stealing all our women to host their alien spawn.

Of course, I agree with you completely- the orbital elements can be 
taken with a very high degree of trust.


Chris L Peterson
Cloudbait Observatory

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Alexander Seidel" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Chris Peterson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; 
Sent: Thursday, January 04, 2007 2:50 PM
Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] (no subject) Darryl Pitt...Colorado and 
NewJersey events

> Anyway, we aren't all dependent on trusting what the government or TV
> tell us!

True, Chris, but with respect to the incident of a spectacular early 
morning light show over Denver you can rely on the codes programmed by 
experts and data on decaying satellites provided by NORAD. You can prove 
this for yourself, if you use the (openly available) codes on openly 
available two-line-element orbital data of satellites on the internet. 
NORAD won´t issue these for military US spy satellites, which are sort 
of "classifieds", but will issue them for all the ten thousands of other 
near earth artifical satellites - including the decaying Russian booster 
rocket stage that we are talking about. And regarding the Classifieds - 
you can easily look them up at heavens-above.com whereever you live, no 
observable secrets at all - from the perspective of a groundbased 
artificial satellite observer using simple optical means that is.... :-)

Never saw a "Lacrosse" big spy bird on a clear, warm evening from your 
rocking chair? :-)


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