Hi everyone,  This is Tom Phillips.   It was negative numbers outside here in 
Idaho so I stayed in and worked on the  microscope.

There are 12 new additions to my micrograph Gallery hosted by  Meteorite 
Times including 126 new images.  This batch was all thin sections  in cross 
polarized  light.


The meteorites  were Acfer 336, Dhofar 007, Dhofar 1275, Franconia, Gold 
Basin, Holbrook, NWA  2090 and 2794, SaU 067 and an unclassified.

There is a NEW after the name  of new additions.  

Please check out the unclassified.  I was  perfecting some new (at least to 
me) techniques to view thin sections at high  magnification in both incident 
and (somewhat) transmitted cross polarized  light.  The images are at a 
magnification of 1600X.

Jim Strope is  loaning me the NWA 482 Lunar thin section of his so I am just 
warming up for a  new GREAT thin to examine.  

Let me know what you think.   Thanks,  Tom  

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