
Bob King asked me to post this for him as his emails aren't getting 
through. So here is the post.

Hi Al, Mark and meteorite friends,
After your enjoyable posts about Nininger and the old place on Hwy. 61, 
I went back to my Nininger "Meteorite Crater Study Kit" and in the 
booklet, "A Comet Strikes the Earth" found this poem about meteorites on 
the last page. I assume it was penned by H.H.? I hope you enjoy -- Bob

A Meteorite Speaks

A hieroglyphic message is written on my face
Recording ancient happenings far in the depths of space.
It tells of my beginnings where fiercest fires held sway,
My leap into ethereal space and how I sped away.

A diary of my wanderings, lonely 'mongst the stars,
A thousand of such incidents as Jupiter and Mars.
I've watched a host of planets grow from out the spacial voids;
Witnessed lunar peltings and played tag with asteroids.

I held my course through solar heat, likewise through frigid space.
I wooed the lovely Pleiades and gave Orion chase.
I know severest loneliness from all celestial forms;
Likewise the social gaiety of cometary swarms.

Freely through ethereal space I loved my course to steer,
But trapped at last fell victim to earth's dread atmosphere.
In arid wastes I landed, then, smote by desert sand
My skin deep brown was varnished by oxygenic hand.

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