May lucky in USA, if here in Italy you take 500,000$
for year you have immediatly the controls of Financial


--- Darren Garrison <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> ha scritto:

> Or could she mean someone else?
> "And some guy who sells meteorites supposedly made
> $500,000 last year. They're
> this century's Pet Rocks."
> Rare rock hurled by God ... Make offer
> It was a typical Monday for those without trust
> funds. I was heading to work at
> the news mine down S.C. 31 - where the speed limit
> is 65 unless you're a dump
> truck, like the one that blew past me as if I'd
> grown roots.
> Clumps of dirt and rock spewed out the back as an
> unidentified flying object
> slammed into my windshield. I could just make out
> the signs plastered on the
> truck's rear end: "Not Responsible for Broken
> Windshields." It was right above
> "How's my Driving?"
> Since they asked, I called the trucking company to
> oblige. But the troll who
> answered didn't seem to be aware of the latter sign.
> And he was less than
> delighted to hear from yet another disgruntled
> driver with a cracked windshield.
> The troll assured me that:
> 1. The company does not haul, nor have they ever
> knowingly hauled, any hard,
> sharp objects. Only certified soft, friendly,
> child-safe, nontoxic, organic yard
> waste made from marshmallows.
> 2. It's my fault for getting in the truck's way.
> 3. This was an act of God, who disliked my
> windshield.
> 4. Besides, insurance pays for this stuff, so quit
> pouting.
> But I like to pout, so I kept whining that:
> 1. The vast scope of yard waste generally includes,
> but is not limited to, sharp
> rocks, small boulders, tree trunks and other
> malicious, windshield-piercing
> objects.
> 2. Since I do not pilot a helicopter, it's extremely
> difficult to elude a
> road-hogging predator passing me at 85 miles per
> hour.
> 3. The God I pray to has a pretty full agenda what
> with war, famine, disease,
> hatred, natural disasters, my daughter's boyfriend
> and My Space. He/she would
> not waste time hurling rocks at cars recently
> sighted in the Presbyterians'
> parking lot.
> 4. Insurance may pay for this stuff, but I pay for
> the insurance. And they like
> to raise my rates.
> The third time I called the truck guy back (we kept
> getting disconnected), he
> had several suggestions - including one I can
> repeat: "Sell it on eBay."
> Sell the car? No, he says, "the alleged flying rock.
> Sell it on eBay."
> So I checked. Inanimate objects are big business on
> eBay. A rare Nano Rex jaw
> can be yours for just $6,995. And some guy who sells
> meteorites supposedly made
> $500,000 last year. They're this century's Pet
> Rocks.
> This is swell news for the N.J. family who had one
> come crashing through their
> bathroom ceiling. They may just clear enough to fix
> their roof. That's a good
> thing, because the UFO it came from no doubt has a
> sign: "Not Responsible for
> Earthlings' Broken Roofs."
> And by the way, "How's my Flying?"
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