First they downgraded Pluto. Then Uranus. Now according to SpaceStuff.Org, Earth
is not only NOT a planet, it's not even an asteroid .. it's simply a great big
rock floating around in space less important than Haley's comet (which
SpaceStuff says may not even BE a comet).

Why listen to SpaceStuff.Org? 

The world did in 2006 when astro-physicists worldwide agreed with SpaceStuff
saying yes, Pluto is too small to be classified as a meteorite let alone a
planet like Earth which, according to SpaceStuff USED to be a planet. 

SpaceStuff warns all humans on this rock to prepare themselves for their next
revelation that the sun, once thought to be a star is simply a great big rock
that somehow caught on fire. One SpaceStuff scientist said,

"We've got doubts about the Milky Way galaxy even being a galaxy even. Our solar
system as you know it never existed. All 9 planets are rocks .. orbiting another
rock that somehow caught on fire."

NASA astro-physicists disagree with SpaceStuff. Lincoln Waterson, the man in
control of the Mars rovers asked them,

"Mars clearly exists. We've got 13 billion dollar rovers ROVING AROUND up there.
How can Mars not be a planet?"

Ken Peterson of SpaceStuff replied saying,

"You've got rovers roving around a great big giant red rock just like we've got
humans roving around on this great big giant BLUE rock we call Earth."

NASA denies rumors that is asking them to downgrade the universe
itself to being a dot on a page on the WWW. 
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