Hi Peter, Bernd, and Listees,

That's fascinating: please count me in - I've seen that shooting star too,
also slightly West of the Red Moon! Tripple WOW :-)

Enjoy the eclipse, whereever you are!

All the best from Southern Germany,

PS: Of course, any lunar eclipse can be best enjoyed with a piece of the
Moon in your hands ,-)

-----Ursprüngliche Nachricht-----

Hi List,

The total lunar eclipse is "in full swing" and I just caught a glimpse of
totally eclipsed Moon through an opening in the clouds. The central area
of the Moon's disk is a bright orange and the rim is a yellow-orange hue.
Looks like a relatively bright eclipse, i.e. the atmosphere is relatively
of volcanic dust, etc. I've seen eclipses when the Moon was so dark you
could hardly recognize it.

Peter just wrote and this is astonishing: "a light shooting star crossed the
red moon"

Astonishing because I've seen that too (slightly west of the Moon's disk
from where
I live here in Germany) and thought it was my imagination ... moonstruck :-)



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