Hi Ruben and the List, 

This is a great topic. 

I still have the first meteorite I purchased. It is a
small Canyon Diablo.

I also have the first meteorite that I found, a small
Tungsten Mountain. 

There is also joy in giving away meteorites. This past
Christmas, I gave a small Tungsten Mountain meteorite
to each of my nephews and nieces. I printed an 8.5 x
11 glossy of the in-situ photo and framed this with
the meteorite in a gem jar velcroed to the front of
the frame, on the back of the frame is a color
printout of a USGS topo map with the location that the
meteorite was found. Each of the kids really enjoyed
them. One niece took hers to class and used it for
show and tell. Kids need things that make science fun
and meaning full. 

--- Ruben Garcia <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hi all,
> I'm sure I am atypical. For years I sold, traded,
> lost, or gave away just about every meteorite I ever
> found. It wasn't till about a year or two ago that I
> actually started collecting them. Even now I only
> hold
> on to the very best of what I find. I really regret
> selling some meteorites though, as some of my very
> best finds are in other peoples collections.
> Ruben Garcia
> Phoenix, Arizona
> http://www.mr-meteorite.com
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