Dear Michael;
Sorry to say, unless we have brand new-news, in the past 9 years, the list has covered all topics until the repeat of all topics has even become boring. The list archives is a great place to find all of that exciting information and talk and talk about meteorites you wish to find that is lacking on the active list.
Dave F.

Michael Murray wrote:

Hey Mal, and caring List members,
I'm know I am willing to visit about meteorites, and those things related. I'm an amateur in this for sure but there is very little on the subject of meteorites that I don't enjoy. I'm sure too that there are others out there on the list that would mix in more if we had some new meteorite discussions going on. I learn something every time someone throws something out for us to discuss. I thought the picture of the iron that we were given a chance to call it's classification on was a way cool thing. I know I would really enjoy more of that. (by the way it is a IIIAB right?)

I certainly don't mind if some folks banter a bit on the List. When I see those emails, I have my options. I can just pass over them or move 'em to the trash if I know they are trying to work out issues with each other. Or, if I am without much to do, and interested in knowing more about the issue or a certain person's makeup that's involved, I can follow the thread. Once I figure out what the issue is and who is involved, I usually don't follow along with them. I figure they have something to work out and have chosen this venue to take care of it on. No big thing to me.

I'm not a dealer, or seller. I am a self-proclaimed "hunter" and am trying to learn anything I can about rocks from space and all that is related. I really enjoy seeing photos of whole individuals simply because there is usually details in the pictures that help me with my limited ability to recognize a meteorite when I see one. If you ever hunted micros, you most likely know the difficulty one can have recognizing the small bits. Its really nice to see the pictures of the insides too. Super cool to see pictures from the microscopes like Tom puts up. I can only imagine the work that must go into getting a surface ready to view like that.

Anyway to chop this off, I'm sure someone out there has some interesting meteorite topics to discuss. For what it's worth, I'll throw in with you all on a discussion. Let's come up with something.

I think we can make the atmosphere on this list as good as we want.

All the best,
Michael Murray
just an old man looking for rocks

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