I received this well-written e-mail yesterday from a woman whom I think I'd like to meet:

"Apropos of Meteorwrong #101 where you mention the quandary about the provenance of softball-sized terrestrial rocks that fall from the sky, I have a story that may shed light on at least one possible source.

Many years ago a friend and his buddies, who were michievous lads in a rural area, found an old yoke from a lawnmower. Pondering what to do with such a find, he came up with the idea of making a giant slingshot. They found some truly huge rubber bands and collected a stash of appropriate sized stones, and they managed to rig up the device in an abandoned field outside town. They disported themselves on a fine morning by launching their missiles idly into the air until they became bored, then wandered off in search of fresh amusement.

The next day, there was a story in the local paper about a mysterious hail of rocks from the sky. No one was hurt, but several cars suffered some damage."

Randy Korotev

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