No diamonds have been seen, to my knowledge. The Moon contains very little carbon. Again, most of the carbon on the lunar surface comes either from carbonaceous chondrites or is implanted by solar wind. Nowhere is the C concentration high enough to make a diamond by impact pressure.

Randy Korotev

At 12:57 19-04-07 Thursday, you wrote:
On Thu, 19 Apr 2007 11:29:59 -0500, you wrote:

>I don't really know "how they did it," but most brecciated lunar
>meteorites do contain grains of metal - metal from asteroidal
>meteorites that strike the Moon and that created the breccias in the

This makes me think of something I've been wondering about-- have any micro
diamond been found in lunar materisl (either meteoritic or Apollo)? Since some
large, high-speed impacts on Earth create diamonds, I'd think that they would
occur much more often on the moon, where every impact is a high-speed one.

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