> As I mentioned to the list in January, there was
> absolutely nothing  about 
> the NJO which resembled a new meteorite. I advised
> the Newark  Star Ledger, 
> The New York Times and AP in writing that the NJO
> was  not a meteorite. I 
> contacted the museum at Rutgers prior to their 
> exhibition of the 
> object---which generated the largest attendance on 
> a single day---that this 
> was not a meteorite.

  Not only is Darryl an early skeptic, but also Mike
Farmer immediately posted an objection. A lot of
experienced collectors/hunters felt the same.
  So what is this really and where did it come from?
There is an old saying which may relate profoundly  to
the "sneaky little devil": "A stone thrown is the
  I'm glad this object is off topic now.

Francis Graham

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