Dear Mr. Webb and Larry (I'm sorry I do not know your last name),
Let me preface this by saying that I really don't care how anyone 
is your choice/freedom to believe in what or who you want.  If you want the One 
Omnicient, Omnipresent, Omnipotent God to be Who you believe in, as I do, then 
that is your choice; if you want man-made science (some of which is right and 
some of which is so ridiculous as to not make a good comic book) then that is 
your choice.  I do have a problem when people, so heady and high-minded, who 
set themselves up to know so much, put down Christians.  I will say the park 
these two gentlemen are so passionate in discussing and putting down, seems too 
me, to lead back to a dislike of Christians, at least from how they are putting 
down the God and the Bible contained in their postings--that I have a problem 
with.  If you don't like the park, don't go there, but do have a little respect 
for what others believe. In fact, there is alot of these viewpoints and beliefs 
in Christianity that I don't agree with and this park is not somewhere I would 
go.  But, just because Christians/myself don't fall down and worship your god 
of science, and don't see the world as you do, and don't believe that man came 
from whatever sludge dwelling animal, amoeba or whatever you now  believe to be 
our ancestrial mommy and daddy, we are not heretics, nor simple minded idiots.  
No, in fact we believe in Someone so far over your head, that your beliefs are 
foolishness.  To paraphrase a verse in the Bible the foolishness of God is 
wisdom to men as well as the wisdom of men being foolishness to God.  As far as 
I go, I am Apostolic Pentecostal, believing in Jesus Name baptism and speaking 
in tongues (please reference the King James Version of the Bible in the Book of 
Acts 2:38-39) to see where my beliefs come from.  No, I don't believe in 
handling snakes! :-)  So, to what I was wanting to address in regards to Mr. 
Webb and Larry...
I have been reading your recent postings in the Meteorite list, and I find you 
two to be sort of sad individuals from the standpoint of how you two are making 
fun of Christians, their belief in Creation, the Bible and by extention Jesus 
Christ who is God in the flesh.  You have the freedom say what you want to, and 
so do I, so here it goes.  I would first have to ask you two do you really know 
how it all began?  You have have your ever changing theories and observations 
and so on, but are you so sure to the point of betting your soul on it?  Larry 
you make fun of Noah's Ark and about putting dinosaurs on it and how big a 
cubit is.  As learned a man as you obviously are, since you teach Astronomy, 
because of your belief in your god of science, you  make fun of the Flood and 
how it made the Grand Canyon.  (As an aside, I don't know and don't care if the 
Flood made the Grand Canyon, nor if there were dinosaurs on the Ark, nor do I 
care how many angels can dance on the head of a pin).  Are you so learned that 
you can prove or disprove the presence of the true living God and God's word as 
written in the Bible?  "Do it, I dare ya."  Your answer will probably consist 
of, "well, (clears throat and answers in the most scientific, high-minded voice 
an Ivy League Institution can produce) that falls in the realm of faith and 
spirtualism for which we cannot observe or record data.  It is not testable, I 
cannot weigh it, taste it or put acid on it, therefore it does not and cannot 
exist.  Oh, yes and feelings don't count."  I dare say, maybe you and many like 
you two are afraid that possibly the true living God exists and that you may 
have to answer to Him some day.  So, if you don't believe in Him and try to 
dismiss Him, then He's not there.  How blind you are.  

Yes, you two have your religion and that is science, believing that things come 
into being on a radom hit and miss basis, with no rhyme or reason and no 
control other than that all ecompassing term called "Nature".  Did you ever 
consider, dear gentlemen, that there is a Being beyond your paltry fleshly 
understanding, that is infinite in understanding making your finite 
understanding nothing more that the babblings of a idiot.  So, what is wrong 
with people having a belief in God?  Does that scare you high-minded folks?

Now, onto the quotes from which I was inspired to write this.  

Here is a direct quote from Mr. Webb in his recent Meteorite list posting:

"I wonder if they've got a diorama where Adam wrastles The
> Raptor? That would be entertainment! I sure hope they've taken
> all the appropriate precautions to ensure those big animatronic dinosaurs
> don't escape their enclosures and eat the Christians."

This was probably one of the most idiotic things I have read in quite a long 
time.  Mr. Webb, I would almost come close to nickname you "Nero", after the 
Roman Emperor, since you seem to have a ghoulish fetish for seeing Christians 
get eaten by  "big animatronic dinosaurs".  Back in Nero's day, I believe they 
used bears and lions, I think the Romans where a little short Velociraptors,  
'cause 'Raptor chow was much too expensive back then, plus they're pretty messy 
little critters!  :-)

Also, to quote Mr. Webb:  "I wonder if they've got a diorama where Adam 
wrastles The
> Raptor? That would be entertainment!"  

I won't dignify that with any type of commentary other that to say "Man, do you 
have some growin' up and maturin' to do!"  And, not to leave out the politcally 
correct sensitivity class you obviously need.  ;-)

Now, so that Professor Steve doesn't feel jealous and left out because the 
attention has been focoused on Mr. Sterling, let's take a look at him for the 
quote of the day:

"So, if you know of any children whose minds you'd like to rot..."

Yes, I know he is "referencing" the Creation World thing or whatever it is, but 
to take it on out further, why didn't he say what he really may have meant:  
Church, Sunday School, Synagog, Tabernacle, Camp Meeting, Revival Meeting, 
Chapel, Prayer Meeting, Prayer Closet, Youth Service as the place to go "rot" 
your mind.  Well, I guess I could go rot my, in the event you are a professor 
or teacher or whatever you are on God's green earth, (oh pooh, I said God 
again! I can almost see you guy recoiling as two vampires being spritzed with 
Holy Water) in the class you preach, er I mean teach and rot my mind on your 
cold and lifeless world view of salvation and understanding through man made 
science and your secular evangelism.  

Oh, shucks Mr. Webb, I can't leave this 'un out either and as classic as they 
come, a real side splittin', tee-hee, barn burnin' quote, though a bit :

"It does simplify some thorny issues. How old is this primitive 
achondrite? 6000 years. How old is the Sun? 6000 years. How old 
is the Universe? 6000 years. What's the maximum amount of time 
a meteorite can take to get to the Earth? 6000 years. Just fill in all 
the blanks with the same answer. How old is humanity? 6000 years. 
Dinosaurs? 6000 years. Single-celled life? 6000 years. See. it's 
easy... How long does it take photons to travel from the Big Bang 
to the Earth? 6000 years. See, nothing to it." 

To be concise and to the point, who gives a flip?  Well, you know, it doesn't 
make me one rat's backside of difference if it was, to quote Carl Sagan 
"Billll-yuns and Billl-yuns of years" or long enough to two peanut butter and 
jelly sandwiches.  You guys favour the billl-yuns and billl-yuns viewpoint, of 
course.  But to me, it ain't savin nobody's life, curing cancer, making the 
price of gasoline any cheaper, nor is it making my paycheck any bigger, and 
last but definately not least, its not saving saving anyone's soul.  Besides, 
time to God is nothing, a day is as a thousand years and a thousand years as 
but a day.  Take your silly little quote in context with that.

These stupid things you two individuals have posted, due to your arrogance and 
conceit,  would almost be angering, if not for the fact that it is sad that you 
have so little regard for the God of Creation who made you and later, Jesus 
Christ (Jehovah Salvation) who died for all of mankind's sins--yours and mine.  
Additionally, you are threatend by the existence of Christians and our faith 
and belief in God.  There is no salvation and no absolutes in science, only 
questions that have temporary answers that continue to be disproven and 
somebody has to come up with a new answer.  But with God, you need look no 
further, he is the Answer.

Let's face it, when I die and if I'm wrong, I've got nothing to loose, but Mr. 
Webb and Larry, when you guys die and go out to eternity and find out I'm right 
(whoopsie! :-0) and you have to meet the God you mocked and made fun of....well 
to quote Homer Simpson, "Duh-ah!!!".  That is terrifying.  

I wouldn't have written the above but for the ignorance of two.  

I proudly take responsiblity for the contents of the above and if you don't 
like it, blame Mr. Webb and Larry.  

Thank you, and I'll even throw in a "God Bless America" at no extra charge.  :-)

Chris D. Merry  
Meteorite-list mailing list

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