Hi Ginger, 

That is one incredible photograph. (Listees, if you
have not clicked on the link, have a look)

Thank you for sharing. I hope you get to enjoy more of
the show tonight. 

With Best Regards, 
--- Ginger Mayfield <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hi all,
> Yes, I still read the list from time to time and
> thought you all might 
> enjoy the image I took last night from our astro
> club's dark site here 
> in Colorado.  We had a strong lightning storm off to
> the east but stars 
> above so I was trying to get a few lightning shots. 
> As I was shooting a 
> meteor, most likely a Perseid, streaked above the
> storm.  Here's the 
> link.  Hope to get more tonight if the monsoons will
> hold off a bit longer.
> Ginger
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