I think it is high time for Randall Gregory to sign his own emails and stop using a phony name, with a phony Dr. attached!

I also think that if he is so sensitive to the feelings of the local people as he claims, he should never have repeated that joke about "caca for the Bolivians"

Bolivians are people too, and that remark is very offensive!


Mike Fowler

Additonally, naming it Lake Titicaca allows Bolivia to share. It is
right on the boarder (political). There is a saying in Peru about the
lake. Peru has the titty and Boliva has the caca. :)

A meteorite couldn't have hit in a more beautiful place. I propose
Lake Titicaca meteorite. I also propose that the met-list votes on
this. Then, would anyone like to support start the submission to the
Meteoritical Society?

Dr. Richard Daniels

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