Hi Sterling,

I am little perplexed why you persist in comparing the Peru
event to Meteor[ite] Crater, when the two events share very
little in common other than an extraterrestrial origin. The
energies involved are many orders of magnitude apart; without
pulling out a hand calculator I would guess that Park Forest
was a closer match to Carancas than Canyon Diablo.

For me, there is nothing about the dimensions of the impact
pit (I refuse to call it a crater) that precludes a significant
mass of meteoritic material buried within. Yes, this mass is
likely in many pieces, but I don't see how the collective can
avoid weighing less than a metric ton.

You seem to believe that hitting the ground was somehow more
stressful to this meteoroid than hitting the upper atmosphere.
If so, that would be a first.

Best wishes,

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