David, All,

The point is that if such a violent incident had occurred in
rural-any-small-town here in the US, people's minds would undoubtedly
jump straight to the least rational cause - terrorism.  You may say
otherwise, but you know it's true....even though the supposition that
terrorists would have any reason to attack anything other than a
building or person who was highly symbolic or economically vital to
our infrastructure or identity as a nation.

Regardless of who says it, if it doesn't belong, it doesn't belong.
As Jan said, "Your comments are not very helpful."  They simply
disparaged and insulted people who are no different than those in the
same economic and social demographic who live in this country, and
furthermore, they have less access to any form of higher education as
well as exposure to worldly events as do those who live here - and
some of those who live here would probably go on to say that it was
some sort of a warning from god....regarding what, I have no idea, but
those voices always seem to come out of the cracks following any sort
of disaster...

Needless to say, it's simply uncalled for, and I don't know why you're
getting so uppity about this, as you were clearly in the wrong in
writing that.  Your website may be a great asset to the
meteorite-collecting (and research) community as a whole, but that
just doesn't justify what you said.  To be frank, I don't particularly
care about your initial email; there's been enough on that subject
along those lines, and it's been talked both ways for weeks now.  The
following responses, on the other hand, were extremely inappropriate.

It wouldn't matter if Nininger himself had posted that to the list; he
would still have been wrong in doing it.

Cool off...


On 10/19/07, David Weir <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> If Art removes me I'll be happy to leave. It's people like you who make
> me vomit all over this "LIST". And don't ever visit my website which
> contains a quarter of a million words bringing the most current
> meteorite research to those interested, including total morons like you.
> You are hereby forbidden to visit it. I do not want to contribute
> anything else to this LIST or to you, you small-brained idiot. Kiss my ass!
> David
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