Hi Michael:

1) I have no idea what L.90 is in US $ - a US equivalency
Included would be very helpful to you, I believe. I have seen
Other Brits use this successfully. I don't know what it takes,

Easier done than said, just use links to the main ebay.com if you want the US equivalent to show also. In this case, e.g.,

(generally, for any item 123456789012
: http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=123456789012  )

(generally for any user meteoritejunky:
http://search.ebay.com/_W0QQsassZmeteoritejunky  )

This ought to make more sense to those who prefer keeping green in eBay,

Best wishes, Doug

PS congratulations, to the winner who is also a listmember !
PPS "no resemblance intended" disclaimer for any such eBayID "meteoritejunky" PPPS meteoritejunky was still available at this writing! Guess no one fits that description...
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