I just had a 30 minute conversation with the landowner
in Carancas. 
He told me some interesting news. The federal
government of Peru has threatened imprisonment for
anyone who attempts to excavate the meteorite. The
townspeople want to dig it up, as I know well since I
was at the meeting where it was voted for. 
The scientists are threatening the people, saying that
the meteorite will go to Lima and they will not be
compensated. This is causing a huge problem down
So what was written today is total crap. I never said
the meteorite was worth a million dollars or anything
like that. The people are not idiots, they know it is
worth a lot of money, and they hope to better their
lives with it. The government is dashing those dreams
by forbidding it's removal. They are allowing it to be
destroyed both for science and any economical gain.

I tried to contact Nunez del Prado, I am going to lay
into him, for spreading these lies about me. Whatever
problems they are having are their own between them
and the locals. I guess they think they have the right
to just romp in, do what they want, and take the
meteorite from the villagers. It seems the villagers
have other ideas.

Michael Farmer
Meteorite-list mailing list

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