Hi List,  I recently imaged a thin section  of Mount Tazerait L5.  I found it 
fell Aug 21 1991 in Niger but I haven't  seen any for sale (since I started 
looking which was just recently).  Is  this a hard one to find?

In the thin section was a large inclusion.   I have many cool micrographs of 
it on the March Meteorite Times issue (Open the  magazine and click on Micro 


This inclusion  was different from what I am used to seeing and reminded me 
of some Earth like  volcanic structures.  I won't start tossing descriptive 
names around  because I might be way off.

Any of you with the time and inclination,  please share your thoughts of what 
this stuff reminds you of.

And if any  one knows of Mount T for sale, please let me know.

Thanks,  Tom  Phillips  

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