Hello List,

CJ Foote asked me to forward this email to you.

You've done something really wonderful for Gary and CJ! Read on.

My best to you,

> Date: Sat, 2 Aug 2008 14:15:50 -0400
> Subject: From CJ
> My dearest Maria,
> I have tried to write to you a few times but can never finish. I'm afraid
> the tears that are running down my cheeks will short out the keyboard...so
> I will try to get through this again.
> I have never been so touched by so many wonderful people that I have never
> met in my life. I don't know if they all realize just what they have done
> for Gary and I....it has saved us from going under...and in our 50's that
> would have been something that we never would have been able to bounce
> back from. The ones that were able to help us with donations and those
> who were able to pray for us made our lives livable again. There is no
> way I can ever thank them except to pay forward and to tell this wonderful
> story to all that I meet.
> Maria, I weep as I write this..friends that we have had for years have
> disappeared from our lives since the word CANCER came to haunt us, but
> those who are a part of the meteorite community opened their hearts and
> without a moments hesitation they were there both with donations and
> through the auction that you so graciously ran in our benefit. I know
> when they look in the mirrow that must be very happy with what they
> see....what they have done is the most selfless thing that anyone could
> have done. I admire and respect them so much. I can now feed Gary healthy
> healing food....I again weep. I am so humble...soooo thankful. I have a
> safe warm place in my heart for them all that can never be replaced.
> Never even touched by anything else that has ever happened to Gary and I.
> I thank-you Maria for all the late night calls that you lisitened to me
> cry and cried with me. I thank-you from the bottom of my heart. You are
> a person that I hope I can live up to. I have learned so much from all of
> you.
> Since we have moved and Gary is not able to set up his computer I don't
> know how to send this to everyone so I ask one more thing. Will you
> please send this to the lists so they can all know how much I thank them
> from all the pieces of my broken heart.
> I send you all much love and MANY hugs,
> CJ Foote

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