Hi Dirk and List,  I am not up to speed on  the latest pairings or the going 
price for each.  I respect a quality thin  section and this NWA 3151 
Brachinite thin section just that.  

Even  if it is terrestrial basalt, a good thin section is a joy and believe 
me, even a  Lunar thin is a disappointment if prepared poorly. (I have a few).  
  Most people do not have the contacts to get a fine thin section prepared  
regardless of how much material they may have.

My passion is high  magnification meteorite micrographs.  I like to think it 
is more art than  science since I am working with magnification far greater 
than what would be  used in classification determinations.  Some times the 
structures I see are  breath taking and not at all visible in standard methods. 
high  magnifications require great thin sections.

My next Meteorite Times  article is on this slide so I don't want to get in 
the way of Meteorite Times  viewings by sharing all the shots.  MT will be 
posted in just a few days  but in the mean time, if any one wants one I will 
one full size 8mp image  as an attachment,  The image is taken at a 
magnification of approximately  400X with a field of view of 0.25 mm.  Very 
structure in this  image.  Hopefully it will make you want to see the rest.  
(especially  the shots by Bernd  Pauli.

Tom Phillips

In a message dated  12/1/2008 5:38:20 P.M. Mountain Standard Time, 
Hello Tom and List,
I would suggest that you check out the  fantastic NWA 5471 brachinite that 
Martin and Stefan are selling for a VERY  REASONABLE price; more than 2 grams 
the material instead of a thin section  (you can make your own thin sections- 

Thank you Martin  and Stefan for your very generous price for such a rare 

Dirk  Ross...Tokyo

--- On Tue, 12/2/08, [EMAIL PROTECTED]  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] NEW Olivine  Diogenite - NWA 4223 - AD
> To:  meteorite-list@meteoritecentral.com
> Date: Tuesday, December 2, 2008,  9:23 AM
> Hi list members,  For those who are interested in  thin
> sections.   Greg has 
> been kind enough to  (previously) lend me the NWA 3151
> Brachinite  that he has 
>  for sale.  My micrograph article in Meteorite Times 
> December is on  this thin 
> section.
> I felt obliged to say it is a  wonderful  sample prepared
> splendidly!  I 
> worked with  it up to a magnification of 760X  with great
> results.  If you  are 
> thinking of adding a thin to your  collection, I would
>  recommend this one and check 
> out the article.  Bernd  Pauli  has provided me with three
> excellent wide 
> field cross polarized  light  micrographs that are also
> included.
> Tom  Phillips
> In a message dated 12/1/2008 4:36:02 P.M. Mountain  
> Standard Time, 
> Dear List  Members,
> It is my  pleasure to announce a NEW Olivine  Diogenite, NWA
> 4223, the third 
> member of  this exclusive  group. It took me three years to
> get to this point 
> of  first  public offering so you know the science has been
> done! It  has a TKW 
> of just  329 grams and is very course-grained. I  managed
> through eBay's site, 
> so you  can find all of the  available material and
> "Official" classification 
> of NWA   4223 with the "Buy it Now" feature here: 
>  http://search.ebay.com/_W0QQsassZnaturesvault
> In addition to  these  rare specimens, I have also listed
> these, most at 
>  reduced prices for the  holidays:
> NWA 1878 Mesosiderite (Fantastic  etch!)
> NWA 1879  Mesosiderite
> NWA 2932 Mesosiderite
>  NWA 869 L4-6 1kg Lot
> NWA 3118 CV3  100g Lot
> NWA 3151  Brachinite Thin Section
> NWA 4528 H5 500g  Lot
> Unclassified  2kg Lot
> Chergach Individual 92.1g (99%  crusted)
> Chergach  Individual 64.1g (100% crusted)
> Gao Individual 154g  (from Haag  Collection)
> Glorieta Pallasite Individual 13.7g
>  Muonionalusta  End Cut 76.9g (starts at just 99 cents)
>  Thank you for checking out what I  have to offer, I
> appreciate  it!
> Best  regards,
> Greg
>  ====================
> Greg Hupe
> The Hupe  Collection
>  NaturesVault (eBay)
> www.LunarRock.com
>  IMCA  3163
> ====================
> Click here for my current  eBay auctions:  
>  http://search.ebay.com/_W0QQsassZnaturesvault
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