OK meteorite fans,  I have seen a list of  "Hammer Stones" , how about 
"Toolbox meteorites"?  I'll start with the  easiest one, The Tucson Ring which 
used as an anvil.

Years from now I  hope people remember it was Martin who came up with the 
term and knowing Martin,  it won't be long before he has amassed a killer 
meteorite  collection.

Also, yes Martin,  I would have a blast with the  Souslovo but your slice is 
to big for me to get on the polish equipment.  

Tom Phillips

In a message dated 12/10/2008 9:46:26 A.M. Mountain  Standard Time, 
Hi Tom,

Thanks for reading  it. Normally I pass on recent finds for my
collection, but the shape and  story of Souslovo was too good to skip.

I made up the term "Toolbox  Meteorite" (not to be confused with NASA's
Toolkit "Meteorite" that should be  arriving any time now). I needed a
name for meteorites that are used as  tools, whether doorstops,
paperweights, or wheelchocks prior to entering our  collection.
However, I have seen a few continue on as tools even after  entered
into a meteorite collection catalog, usually in the role of  a

Tom, I wish I still lived close to you. I think you would  have a blast
scoping Souslovo with all its chondritic  oddities.



On Tue, Dec 9, 2008 at 9:20  PM,  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Every one who has not  checked out Martin's  article in December Meteorite
> Times is  missing out on a way cool article.   I had never heard the term  
> Box Meteorite".  It that a Martin   original???
> Anyway,  It's got it all, great photos,  cool  story and a wonderful
> meteorite.  Thanks   Martin!
>  http://www.meteorite-times.com/meteorite_frame.htm
> Tom   Phillips
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