Hi Eric and the List,

Interesting photos. I highly doubt that the "windshield melted", it looks much 
more like the plastic film between the layers of glass (that make it safety 
glass as used in windshields) just stretched from the impacting object. 

The photo of the 'debris' inside the car shure does not look like a meteorite 
or a re-entered piece of space junk. It also does not look like a blade from a 
big wood chipper like the last few 'meteorites' hitting cars and houses.

Pat Brown 
Hardware Reliability Engineer (and ex-materials engineer)

--- On Thu, 3/12/09, Eric Wichman <e...@meteoritewatch.com> wrote:

> From: Eric Wichman <e...@meteoritewatch.com>
> Subject: [meteorite-list] Unidentified object from sky destroys car in 
> Cottonwood
> To: meteorite-list@meteoritecentral.com
> Date: Thursday, March 12, 2009, 9:06 AM
> What?! A meteorite or space debris?
> "..A meteorite may have been what smashed into the
> windshield of a Cottonwood couple's sport utility
> vehicle late last month, destroying much of the dashboard
> and melting some of the glass..."
> http://www.redding.com/news/2009/mar/12/unidentified-object-from-sky-destroys-car-in/
> The photos of the supposed "meteorite" look like
> debris of some sort. Not like any meteorite I've ever
> seen.
> Could it be a piece of Satellite, and who was the collector
> offering $10K for the "meteorite"?
> Hmm....
> Regards,
> Eric Wichman
> Meteorites USA
> www.meteoritesusa.com
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