The VA-MD sighting is now being classified as the spent Russian Expedition 19 

All the best,


-----Original Message-----
>Sent: Mar 30, 2009 12:32 PM
>Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] Fireballs From The Sky: Bombarded
>Hello List,
>Here is my take on the recent falls in North  America.  While there actually 
>may be more now, as it seems like we had a  long drought since Park Forest, I 
>am wandering if much of this can be traced  back to Buzzard Coulee.
>The Canadian event gained strong media attention  shortly after it fell, and 
>then the drama provided some great follow up stories  as meteorites were 
>actually found.  
>Remember, Park Forest happened  a couple weeks into our invasion into Iraq, 
>and as such did not get anything  near what it should have in media coverage.  
>Monahans fell a couple of days  after the Oklahoma City Bombings.  Other falls 
>just didn't get much  coverage either.
>I remember in late 2005 (maybe very early 2006) a  photographer for the 
>Wichita Eagle came back to take photos for a follow up  Brenham story a month 
>or so 
>after the release of the Main Mass find.  He  told me that the first story 
>about the Main Mass got more hits on the  newspaper's web site than any other 
>story in the history of the paper!  And  I checked back after each story and 
>seemed each of the 4 or so follow up  meteorite stories in the Wichita paper 
>were getting the top number of hits  in the given month the stories ran.
>Who would have ever thought  meteorites were that interesting?
>All of a sudden the Canadian  meteor(ite) story gets great coverage, as do 
>the follow up stories, so editors  everywhere now know that local fireball 
>sightings are good news stories.   Not only that, the might even lead to even 
>bigger stories where meteorites are  recovered.
>All in all, I think this is a case that meteorites are rising  in stature in 
>the pop culture.  
>Maybe before, there were just as  many fireballs, just fewer people may have 
>reported them, and even fewer editors  found them newsworthy.  
>I am just hoping for a 1933 rate of local falls with recoveries to hit the  
>U.S. again!
>Then again, someone up there might be mad at us and is  throwing rocks at us!
>Steve Arnold
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