>>Just saw that... What's the deal  with all the fireballs?<<

Reporting to last about 10 seconds  signifies a meteor for sure to me. Since 
no reports of Sonic Booms yet, also  sounds like a garden variety earthgrazer 
that was fun to watch. No report of  approximate velocity, but since it 
appeared during the morning hours and also  getting the impression it appeared 
travel fast...a good indication that it  wasn't of asteroidal origin and thus 
cometary debris. Material that's not likely  to produce surviving meteorites. 
During my years of recording meteor data, It  was a rare night to not see at 
least one fireball. Still don't get the sense  that there is anything out of 
ordinary going on. I've read somewhere  (Perhaps Norton's "Rocks From Space"), 
it's estimated that there will be about  24,000 meteorite dropping 
fireballs/year worldwide in the 4 oz to 20 lb range.  So I'm not surprised that 
areas around the globe report bright meteors  lately. What I'm more surprised 
about is that there aren't more reports.  :O)

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