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Hi Dave and the List=2C=20

Excellent article and very timely.=20

I would suggest one more item to add to Step #6:

Namely=2C cultivating a love for meteorites and tektites and related materi=
als in some of your children=2C grandchildren=2C nieces=2C nephews=2C etc.=

Personally=2C I value keeping most of my collection in my family. Sure=2C t=
here are a few items that were specifically purchased as investments=2C but=
 I want the majority of my collection to fuel this passion in my descendant=

Towards that end=2C for Christmas each year=2C I prepare a special -additio=
nal- gift for each of my children (23 and 20 yrs old) and my nieces and nep=
hews (15 yrs to 3 yrs old) that is space rock related. I also include a gif=
t certificate to a bookstore to cultivate a love of books and life long lea=

One year I gave each of them a framed in-situ photo and customized topo map=
 printout with each child's name and a small Nevada meteorite that I recove=
red from the field. I used a two sided glass frame with the in-situ photo v=
isible from the front with the meteorite mounted below=3B the back of the f=
rame showed the topo map with the latitude and longitude coordinates and a =
title of "Fred's Meteorite". Nearly every one of these went to grammar scho=
ol 'show and tell'. At least one niece has a meteorite 'shrine' on top of h=
er dresser.

One year=2C I made up some lunar micros potted in epoxy in a hold punched t=
hrough a laminated business card glued down to a piece of sheet metal. This=
 allowed the kids to 'touch the moon'.=20

Another year the kids each got an SNC micro in a riker mount with a customi=
zed laminated collection card in each child's name.=20

There are 10 kids=2C nieces and nephews total in my clan=3B so if I get a 1=
0% yield=2C that cultivates one collector to pass on my collection to. If t=
he yield is>10%=2C then the collection can be logically divided.=20

Each family was given a copy of our own O. Richard Norton's _Rocks from Spa=
ce_=3B which I can highly praise as a great introduction to the subject for=
 scientifically literate children of all ages.=20

Are your young kin scientifically literate? It is literally never too early=
 to start! (pun intended)

Christmas is coming up=3B what am I going to do this year?......

Best Regards=2C=20
=A0=A0=A0=A0=A0=A0=A0=A0=A0 Pat - scientific lifestyle

> From: d...@fallingrocks.com
> To: linton...@earthlink.net
> Date: Fri=2C 30 Oct 2009 20:56:48 -0400
> CC: meteorite-list@meteoritecentral.com
> Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] Collection succession planning
> Linton & All=2C
> Thanks for reading the article=2C and I'm glad it may have inspired an id=
ea or
> two. Thanks to the few dozen who sent very nice off list notes about the
> article as well. I'd say all of our collections are humble at the end of
> the day=2C and that it's humbling for us to have them at all.
> It's not often that repeatedly hearing things like "your article really
> scared me" is a good thing=2C but it's great to see that some thinking ma=
> have been provoked. Simple stuff=2C but oh how often we let the simple st=
> fall right through the cracks of time =3B-)
> All the best=2C
> Dave
> www.fallingrocks.com
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Linton Rohr [mailto:linton...@earthlink.net]
> Sent: Thursday=2C October 29=2C 2009 4:28 PM
> To: d...@fallingrocks.com
> Cc: meteorite-list@meteoritecentral.com
> Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] Collection succession planning
> Dave=2C
> I enjoyed reading your article again=2C despite having read it in Met Mag
> already.
> I'm in the midst of updating the "recent" acquisitions and sales in my
> humble collection. I'm living on borrowed time already=2C as we all are
> really=2C so it is important to me that my wife is left with more than a =
> of rocks to sort through. Your article gives me some ideas on how I can
> improve my system. And don't worry=2C I'll enjoy life while doing so. =3B=
> Thank you.
> Linton
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Dave Gheesling"=20
> To: "'bill kies'"=20
> Cc:=20
> Sent: Thursday=2C October 29=2C 2009 4:21 AM
> Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] Collection succession planning
>> Bill & All=2C
>> A couple of notes have come in expressing trouble with the link=2C yours
>> being
>> the second=2C so go to www.fallingrocks.com=2C hit Links & Resources on =
>> home
>> page=2C then hit "Temporary Custodians" under the Media header.
>> Interesting to see insight from you re: concern over negative things=2C =
>> to keep this positive=2C perhaps you might spend two minutes giving it a
>> read
>> before posting said assumptions? I doubt the notion is one that might
>> drive
>> readers to a monastery or Zoloft. Pretty simple stuff=2C and a real sham=
>> when
>> such an easy thing to do is overlooked until it is too late.
>> Dave
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: bill kies [mailto:parkforest...@hotmail.com]
>> Sent: Thursday=2C October 29=2C 2009 1:07 AM
>> To: d...@fallingrocks.com
>> Cc: meteorite-list@meteoritecentral.com
>> Subject: RE: [meteorite-list] Collection succession planning
>> Are we temporary custodians? That implies we owe the collective in a
>> Jungian
>> way. If you consider all the negative things that could happen to our
>> meteorites/belongings=2C you'll either become a monk or a nervous wreck.
>> Everything should be recorded in case of an accident but life comes befo=
>> the provenance of any collection. Time is so short for us.
>> This comment is based on an assumption of what your article was about as
>> the
>> link didn't work for me.
>> Thanks=2C
>> Bill
>>> From: d...@fallingrocks.com
>>> To: meteorite-list@meteoritecentral.com
>>> Date: Wed=2C 28 Oct 2009 22:19:01 -0400
>>> Subject: [meteorite-list] Collection succession planning
>>> Hi All=2C
>>> I recently wrote a brief article that Larry ran in the August 2009
>>> issue of Meteorite Magazine entitled "Temporary Custodians=2C" and the
>>> response has been a bit surprising. Somewhere around a couple dozen
>>> readers have taken the time to drop me an email saying things like
>>> "thanks for the heads-up article...[it] made for uneasy reading."
>>> Surely there are collectors on this list who do not yet subscribe to
>>> Meteorite Magazine (and everyone on this list really should!)=2C so=2C
>>> given the topic=2C I'm posting a transcript below.
>>> The content is by no means comprehensive=2C but I'd really encourage
>>> those of you with meteorite collections to give it a quick read. Most
>>> of us have been guilty at one time or another -- or at all times -- of
>>> leaving loose ends such as those described in the writing. Anyway=2C a
>>> web version of it can be found here:
>> http://www.fallingrocks.com/FRarticle-082009.htm.
>>> Larry=2C I hope you don't mind my posting it here=2C and thank you agai=
>>> for giving the topic coverage in Meteorite!
>>> All the best=2C
>>> Dave
>>> Dave Gheesling
>>> IMCA #5967
>>> www.fallingrocks.com
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