Hello Steve, All,
I've hear tell (and seen photos) of a Muong Nong layered tektite in
the 40-50kg range in Thailand, but the asking price was around a
dollar a gram.  They do come big, but they're rarely seen above about
a kilo or so.

On Sat, Dec 12, 2009 at 4:11 AM, steve arnold
<stevenarnold60...@yahoo.com> wrote:
> Good early morning list.Got to put in another 10 hour day.Last of a 65 hour 
> week.Hey I noticed on ebay someone is selling a 3.8 kilo tektite.I s it 
> possible to be that big?I've seen them many hundreds of grams but not 7 lbs. 
> I s it really possible??????
>  Steve R. Arnold, Chicago!!
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