Hi Adam and List,
Happy New Year everyone!

Hmmm. Any suspicious-looking persons holding barbecue tongs within throwing 
distance beside or below the boardwalk? 

Darn those pesky charcoal briquettes from space.


> Date: Tue, 5 Jan 2010 12:51:55 -0800
> From: raremeteori...@yahoo.com
> To: meteorite-list@meteoritecentral.com
> Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] OC man believes he's found a meteor
> OC man should stand for Ordinary Con man. He looks as if he had been sniffing 
> too much sauce over the holidays. He appears to be blown clean out of his 
> "like" sneakers. Just another idiot chasing press!
> Take Care,
> Adam
> ----- Original Message ----
> From: Linton Rohr <linton...@earthlink.net>
> To: Greg Stanley <stanleygr...@hotmail.com>
> Cc: meteorite-list@meteoritecentral.com
> Sent: Tue, January 5, 2010 12:36:03 PM
> Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] OC man believes he's found a meteor
> "It still had, like, little flames coming out of these holes, and it was, 
> like, glowing red hot."
> Uhhh, right. Say no more.
> Seems like this trend is on the increase.
> Linton
> ----- Original Message ----- From: "Greg Stanley" <stanleygr...@hotmail.com>
> To: <meteorite-list@meteoritecentral.com>
> Sent: Tuesday, January 05, 2010 12:09 PM
> Subject: [meteorite-list] OC man believes he's found a meteor
>> OC man believes he's found a meteor
>> http://www.delmarvanow.com/article/20100105/NEWS01/1050355/-1/newsfront2/OC-man-says-he-found-meteor
>> OCEAN CITY -- Catch a falling star and put it in your pocket? An Ocean City 
>> man said he did just that.
>> Quantcast
>> Derrick Miller was walking along the Boardwalk toward his Seventh Street 
>> home around 5:20 a.m., as he does every night after finishing his overnight 
>> taxi shift, when he saw an object falling from the sky at 21st Street and 
>> the Boardwalk. Miller said he saw the object while glancing over his 
>> shoulder, keeping a lookout for a fox that lives in the area, one he likes 
>> to feed hot dogs or doughnuts.
>> "I saw a shooting star," said Miller, 37. "It landed 15, 20 yards away from 
>> me in the sand. I walked up to see what it was. It still had, like, little 
>> flames coming out of these holes, and it was, like, glowing red hot. I 
>> basically just buried it and marked it so I could come back to get it the 
>> next day. When I got back, unburied it -- and the sand around it, it looked 
>> like little shards of glass, real thin glass. It was still warm to the 
>> touch."
>> Miller said the rock-like object measures 1 1/2 inches long by 1 inch wide 
>> and weighs 20 grams. He said it left a foot-wide divot in the sand 6 inches 
>> deep.
>> He said the only other person out on the Boardwalk at the time was a police 
>> officer. "I just happened to be in the right spot at the right time," Miller 
>> said.
>> A meteor is a piece of debris that falls to Earth from space. Most are 
>> pebble-sized, according to NASA. They are categorized either as a "find," 
>> with no regard to when they arrived, or a "fall" -- which means it's 
>> confirmed that a person watched the rock plummet to the surface and later 
>> retrieved it. Given that the earth's surface is about two-thirds water, most 
>> meteors land in the ocean. Meteors can land on other planetary bodies, too, 
>> like the moon.
>> According to Paul Warren, a researcher with the Institute of Geophysics and 
>> Planetary Physics at the University of California Los Angeles, it's unlikely 
>> that a fall meteorite would have been burning or glowing at ground level.
>> "You see, the object comes through the atmosphere in a very brief time. It's 
>> coming at a cosmic velocity, an interplanetary velocity of about 10 miles a 
>> second or so," Warren said. "So the outside skin of the object will get very 
>> hot as it first encounters the atmosphere, but the interior is still very 
>> cold -- it's coming from space, where its temperature is freezing.
>> "So, by the time anybody could get to it, that skin, it's probably not going 
>> to be glowing by the time anybody can go over and look at it. It actually 
>> cools down as it comes down through the lower atmosphere. Everything is 
>> slowed greatly coming through the atmosphere unless it's very big.
>> Quantcast
>> "If it's a big object, it'll make it down with its cosmic velocity, and 
>> that'll be potentially catastrophic, with a big impact crater. Meteorites, 
>> they've been slowed down and they land in a comparatively gentle way," he 
>> said.
>> According to The Meteoritical Society, a nonprofit group, there have been a 
>> total of 1,231 falls recorded globally to date. In the U.S., there were 149 
>> since 1810, and in Maryland, only two have ever been confirmed: a 16 
>> 1/2-pound meteorite that fell near the Potomac River in Charles County in 
>> 1825, and a 24-gram object in St. Mary's County north of Point Lookout State 
>> Park in 1919.
>> Miller said he still hasn't decided what to do with his meteorite.
>> "I got a couple calls. One guy wants to buy it. I don't know, I really 
>> haven't thought about it yet. It's just sitting in my house," he said.
>> Warren suggested that Miller bring the object to a geologist to confirm its 
>> origin. He said his Los Angeles lab has bins full of "meteor wrongs," as he 
>> and his colleagues call them, brought by those hopeful to confirm their 
>> bolide is bona fide.
>> "When we look at them, unfortunately, most of the time, people are 
>> disappointed. Sometimes they're just crushed -- they can't believe it when 
>> we tell them that their grandfather's old rock he says fell from the sky is 
>> a piece of limestone," he said.
>> bsh...@dmg.gannett.com 410-213-9442, ext.
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