Hi list,  As I have mentioned to the list  previously, I have stared making 
wood scale/orientation cubes.

There are  a couple versions of these things.  One is the new cube with a 
simple oil  finish.  The other is an old wood finished with several layers of 
toasted  and striped Danish Oil and varnish then tumbled in a brass tumbler 
(No grit)  just long enough to wear edges.

I have a habit of coming up with names  for things like "Perfect Chondrule" 
 or "Ugly Black Stuff" and a name has  emerged for these antique style 

I thought some of you might like  the story.

After making some simple wood cubes I showed pictures to Jeff  Kuyken and 
it was his idea that these would be good for use with historic  meteorites.  
Well, historic meteorites naturally made me think of Martin  Horejsi.  In 
fact for most of us, when historic meteorites are mentioned we  think of 
Martin!  He is an expert in historic meteorites and has been  witting articles 
them in Meteorite Magazine and Meteorite Times for  years.

We also are friends.   We have cut and polished more  than a few of his 
treasures while talking about rocks.  His knowledge is  amazing and what's 
better he has interesting stories about nearly all of their  histories.  He 
wrote a "From the Strewnfields" article about one of those  days in the August 
2006 issue of Meteorite Magazine.

I have mentioned  before how meticulous Martin is.  His style is total 
precision while mine  is quick.  It was hilarious to watch us get ready to cut 
one of his rare  historic stones.  I think my "grab and cut" approach drove 
him mad.   He once muttered something to the effect of "That might be OK for 
an sun  scorched NWA but not this rock"

Anyway,  I tried to create some  thing cool.  I wanted to come up with a 
cube that even Martin would put  next to his Ensisheim. 

As I worked on them, such as when I went on  one of my frequent trips down 
to the work shop to check on the batch in the  toaster oven or some other 
thing, I told my wife "I'm going down to check on the  Martin cubes"

That name has stuck and they are now known as Martin  Cubes.  

They were a pain to make so I am not sure if I will produce  an other 
batch.  If I hear Martin has placed one in his showcase next to  his Ensisheim 
slice, I will know I did a good job!

I have  ordinary wood cubes I am including with my eBay sales such as this 


These  are clean and fresh, made of new pine.  They still go with the 
historic  finds but they have just a simple linseed oil finish.  So if you see 
 listings you will know there is a difference.

This is not really  an ad but I am linking an auction so it is in the 
subject line.  

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